

Why Some Plants Are a Disaster for Rayleigh Sellers

In this week’s article, we look at plant species that affect house sales and why buyers should be made aware of them.  Post pandemic, having outside space has taken on a whole new level of importance and can add significant value to a property. But what happens when your garden oasis threatens the chance of selling your home? Some lush green plants might look nice but could signal trouble for...

Purchasing a Probate Property: What Rayleigh Buyers Need to Know

Picture this: After a long and exhausting property search you finally find the home that’s just right for you. But then the estate agent mentions that it’s a ‘probate property’ and you’re left scratching your head. While it’s a term that you’ve heard before, you’re not entirely sure what it means and if it could scupper your homebuying plans. Well, let us explain. What is...

Buying an Rayleigh Property? You Need a Mortgage Broker – and Here’s Why

Why do you need a mortgage broker? In this week’s sales article, we look at how mortgage brokers can save buyers time, money and hassle. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking to remortgage your property, getting a good mortgage deal is probably top on your list of priorities. You could lose hours scrolling through comparison sites, frantically searching for high street lenders’...

What Rayleigh Buyers Need to Know about Sales Progression

How do estate agents help property sales progress? In this article we look at the ways estate agents help get property sales through to completion. Want to guard against the disappointment of having your property deal collapse? Then go with an agent who is skilled at sales progression. Selling a property is a bit like a football match – it’s a game of two halves. The first half centres on...

Have You Fallen for an Overvaluation? Here’s Why It Could Delay The Sale Of Your Property in Rayleigh

Why do sellers fall for overvaluations? In this week’s sales article, we look at why people still get duped by overvaluations and the difficulties that arise from them. When you’re selling a property, getting a valuation is the first step. You need to know what a home is worth before you can plan your next move, but what if the value you’re given is completely inaccurate?If your property has...

Why Staging Your Rayleigh Property Could Help You Sell It

In this week’s sales article, we look at the growing trend of property staging and the benefits for sellers. Switch on any property show and you’ll see a beautifully styled home with no clutter, immaculate worktops, artfully thrown cushions and shelves full of dust-free ornaments – a dream home (even if completely incompatible with a busy life). However, beautiful home interiors aren’t just...

How to Sell Your Rayleigh Home When You’ve Got Pets

In this week’s sales article, we look at how to remove the sights and smells of pets to avoid upsetting potential buyers. Don’t let your beloved family pet stop you from achieving top selling price for your property. Follow these tips to ensure buyers don’t get sniffy about making an offer on your home. Given that 62% of British households have a pet*, you might assume buyers wouldn’t bat an...

How to Make Potential Buyers Fall in Love with Your Rayleigh Loo

Is your loo putting buyers off? In this week’s sales piece, we look at cheap and cheerful ways to spruce up a bathroom and keep buyers interested. If a kitchen is the heart of a home, then the bathroom is the brains. It’s where you get a few minutes of privacy every day (unless you’ve got toddlers who like to come in with you). It’s where you do some of your deepest thinking, and it’s an...

What Rayleigh Sellers Need to Know about Agent Fees

In this week’s sales article, we look at the value full-service estate agents offer compared to DIY firms. So, you’re selling up and don’t know whether to instruct a traditional estate agent or a DIY fixed-fee agency. Let’s look at the pros and cons of both options. If moving is on your mind, the first thing you need to do is find the right estate agent. But before you can do this, you need...

Tips to Help Rayleigh Sellers Spot a Buyer Who Means Business 

How can sellers avoid flaky buyers? This week’s sales piece looks at how to spot the signs that a buyer is genuine. It’s every seller’s worst nightmare. You’re on the cusp of finalising the sale of your property when your buyer gets cold feet and runs for the hills. Just like that, your plans go out the window. If you’re part of a chain, the whole deal could collapse, meaning you need...

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