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Dan Kirby – He prefers drinking tea to making it.

Email: dan@nestinessex.co.uk
Mobile: 07875 520396
Office number: 01268 500988
Joined the team : 2020

Dan’s been with us as a Personal Agent, helping people sell successfully since October 2020.

He brought the people skills and work ethic to our team, which he picked up from a previous career as Travel & Hospitality industry.

He’s a local lad, having grown up in the area.

Dan enjoys changing some people’s perceptions of estate agents, especially during valuations.

He said: “We do things very differently at Nest in Essex, and our focus is always on building the personal relationship with our clients. My favourite part of my role is getting to play a part in helping people move on to the next chapter of their lives.”

His colleagues reckon his face drops whenever he asks, ‘ Who wants tea?’ and everyone answers, leaving him responsible for making a brew.

He loves spending time with his young son, walking on our local beaches and watching films.

The £10m question…If you won £10m, what would you spend it on: I’m running the risk of being an estate agent bore here, but I’d invest the money in a property portfolio.

Dan’s one BIG tip for home sellers: Try to see your home through the eyes of a prospective buyer. Think about what made you want to buy it, good local schools, lovely garden, spacious rooms etc. A good agent will accentuate all your property’s plus points.

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